Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled the most common questions asked by parents.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Families Learning Together all about?
Families Learning Together helps parents support their children maths learning at home. It covers years 1 to 6, and follows the English Math curriculum. Because it’s based on exploring maths and talking about it together, it deepens children’s understanding and strengthens the application of number skills.
I have more than one child - do I need to get multiple subscriptions?
No. Your subscription to Families Learning Together is for one household, so if you have more than one primary school you use the resource with all children.
Who can use Families Learning Together?
The resource is designed to be used by parents with their children at home. It can also be used by brothers and sisters together at home and by homework clubs in schools.
How will it help children improve their maths?
Families Learning Together helps your child secure core number skills and builds confidence in using them. At primary school children often find it difficult to see where and how to use their number skills in problem solving, or when questions are presented in unexpected ways. The activities and discussions in Families Learning Together will strengthen your child’s skills, the understanding behind those skills, and the ability to use them flexibly. This is at the heart of all maths at school and throughout life.
Do I have to be good at maths?
No! Families Learning Together will show you all the skills that your child needs and explains them in everyday language. . It uses the same methods as your child’s teacher does in class.
I’m not a teacher – can I make a difference?
As the adult who knows your child best, and who can talk with them regularly on an individual basis, you can make a huge difference! The varied video and concise reference material enables you to help your child in building specific skills.
Why are fractions not covered?
With the changes to expectations in the National Curriculum we decided that asking parents to support children who may be experiencing difficulties in understanding fractions, might be more problematic than helpful.
Why have you included units on using calculators despite the changes in the curriculum?
We like to give schools choice. Not all schools are limited by the National Curriculum. Some will continue to teach the accurate use of calculators as an important life skill.
I remember how I was taught maths and can show my child. Why would I need this?
Many adults were taught maths in a slightly different way to children today. To help your children most they need to experience the same methods and language at school and at home.
How will I know where to start?
All of the units in Families Learning Together cover the number skills set out in the National Curriculum for each age group. If your child finds these difficult, or easy, then you can access Units from different age groups to support or extend them. You can track themes, like subtraction, across all the age groups, to see how your child is achieving.