Year 2

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Year 2 Menu

We understand multiplication and are learning our tables for 2, 5 and 10.
We understand that multiplication can be done in any order.
We can multiply single digit numbers.

Year 2 Unit 9

What we are learning:

  • We are now developing our understanding of multiplication and learning our times tables.
  • As the numbers we are using get larger it is helpful to continue to use practical objects such as pencils or building blocks to deepen understanding.
  • We use the words ‘multiply’, times’ and ‘lots of’ as in ‘2 lots of 3’
  • We are now multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10

Activities you can do at home:

Activity 1 Multiplying in Everyday Life
Ask, If we have 4 friends coming to tea and each will eat 4 biscuits, how many biscuits will they eat altogether? Use objects to model this and count the total together. Repeat this with everyday objects around the house, when out and about etc.

Activity 2 Multiplying by 2 and 3
Ask your child to write down all the sums that they can do multiplying by 2 e.g. 2 x 2 = 4… once they have written all they can do where they know the answer, write some more together and use objects to find the answer.
Try this activity with other numbers.
Write 2 x 5 = 10 and then 5 x 2 = ? Once your child has the answer, ask:
Does it matter which way round I write this sum? Try some more examples If 5 x 3 = 15, what is 3 x 5?

Activity 3 Learning Times Tables
Try saying the times tables together, but alternating i.e. you say 1 x 2 = 2, your child says 2 x 2 = 4 etc Say the whole number sentence, e.g. ‘one times two is two’.
This is a game you can play when walking in the shops, at home or in the car.

Good questions to ask:

What is 3 x 4?
What is three times 4?
What is three lots of 4?
Three times four equals…?
Three multiplied by 4 is…?
What are three fours?

If your child:

Does not know the answer and cannot visualise it without objects.
Use practical objects so that they can see the calculation and count the answer. When they do this they are not ‘cheating’ by counting the final answer, they are learning the concept of multiplication by seeing that it is the addition of different groups.

Extension Activity

Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.


Extension activity (PDF)