Year 1
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We can put numbers up to 20 or more in order.
We can use the (=) sign.
Year 1 Unit 10
What we are learning:
There are two separate skills here
- knowing that numbers run in sequence and some are bigger than others
- knowing what makes one number bigger than another and that some numbers are the same, or are ‘equal’
‘Equals’ is a key concept. We can explain that it means that two things are the same size, even though they may look different. Thus, five counters on the table can be represented by the written number 5.
Similarly 5 one pence coins are equal to one five pence coin. However, understanding money is more complex, because 5 two pence coins are equal to 1 ten pence coin. Children need to understand the value of each coin
before they can find equivalents using them
Activities you can do at home:
Mix up some numbers (e.g. plastic number shapes or numbers written on post-it notes) and ask your child to put them in order
Miss some out and ask them to put the remaining numbers in order
Vary the questions so that you put them in order from the biggest to the smallest sometimes
Have two groups of objects and ask, Which group has more objects? Don’t count at this stage, Ask, Why do you think it has more?
Use number playing cards for an ‘equals’ game by playing ‘snap’ with the values
Using money set out equal amounts together e.g. a 5 pence coin and 5 1p coins. Then let your child write 1p +1p +1p+1p+1p=5p
Good questions to ask:
Which pile is bigger? (comparing the numbers of objects not the size of the item)
If I have a 10 pence piece, which other coins would equal the same amount of money?
If your child:
Is not secure ordering numbers to 20
Practice with a number line and counting together out loud so they say and see the order
Is secure ordering numbers up to 20
Increase the range to 30 or more as long as they can cope
Extension Activity
Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.