Year 1
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We know the number that is ten more or ten less than multiples of ten.
Year 1 Unit 12
What we are learning:
Counting in tens is an essential skill in mathsÂ
Multiples of 10 are numbers that will divide by 10 exactly, e.g. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc
When counting in tens it is important that your child has a concept of what 60 objects looks like and that this looks different to 20 of the same object etc.
Activities you can do at home:
Make a number line that goes beyond 20 and look for patterns. Point to all the multiples of 10 and ask, What do you notice about these numbers? (They all end with a 0 and they are the only numbers that end with a zero)
Make bundles of 10 straws (held together with an elastic band) or 10 paper clips (linked together or put into separate bags) and use these when counting on in tens so that your child sees the size of the numbers.
Start with 80 straws or paper clips and take away one ten, and say the number. Repeat this with other starting numbers ( multiples of 10)
Good questions to ask:
How many will we have if we take away/add ten?
What will happen if I add/take away 10 from this number?
Extension Activity
Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.