Year 2

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We can count objects by putting them into groups

Year 2 Unit 2

What we are learning:

  • Counting by grouping is important to develop a sense of the size of numbers. Your child needs to ‘see’ that 15 counters/paperclips look different to 50 counters/paperclips.
  • ‘Experiencing’ the size of numbers helps us understand them better. We can ask, Would 5 apples fit into this bag? Would 50 apples fit in the same bag? What size bag would I need for 50 apples?
  • When counting objects your child may count in ones. This is fine to start with because they will soon discover that for larger numbers this takes a long time. This where we need to talk about more efficient, quicker ways of counting.
  • Having lots of experience of the size of numbers will help your child with guessing or estimating later. They have seen and experienced what large numbers of objects look like.
  • Counting in groups allows for easy checking and you don’t lose count if something interrupts you.

Activities you can do at home:

At this age children find it easiest to start counting in groups of 2, 3, 5 and 10

Using lots 1p coins ask, How could we count these 1p coins?
Try making groups of ten 1p coins and the extra ones that do not make another group of ten.
Try grouping the ten in different ways – in a group/pile, laid out as two rows of 5, in two towers of 5.
How can we count these groups?

Try making groups of five 1p coins or groups of two 1p coins.
Which one is the easiest to count? Why is it easier?”

Count other objects in groups – paperclips, counters, toy cars…

Good questions to ask:

How can we count this group of objects?
What other ways could we use to count them?
Which way is quickest?
Which way is easiest for you?

If your child:

Finds it easy to count in 2s, 5s, and 10s
Give them a choice about counting in other size groups that they can manage

Extension Activity

Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.


Extension activity (PDF)