Year 5

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We can round numbers to 10,000 and 100,000

Year 5 Unit 1c

What we are learning:

  • Once we are confident with numbers we can round them to 10,000 and 100,000. This is useful in lots of mental calculations to get ‘approximate’ answers, or estimations.
  • Remember the rule for rounding – if the number we are rounding is half way or more towards the next rounded number we round UP.
  • We can round large numbers to different degrees of accuracy
    If we start with the number 7,429
    We can round 7,429 to the nearest 10 = 7,430
    We can round 7,429 to the nearest 100 = 7,400
    We can round 7,429 to the nearest 1,000 = 7,000
  • We can round very large numbers in the same way
    If we start with the number 264,788
    We can round 264,788 to the nearest 10 = 264,790
    We can round 264,788 to the nearest 100 = 264,800
    We can round 264,788 to the nearest 1000 =265,000
    We can round 264,788 to the nearest 10,000 = 260,000
    We can round 264,788 to the nearest 100,000 = 300,000

Activities you can do at home:

Try rounding the numbers on the activity sheet.
When you are out and about try looking at numbers and rounding them in a way that makes sense:
If you look at a computer that costs £549 ask your child to round the amount to the nearest £10
If you look at a car that costs £23,699 ask your child to round it to the nearest £100 or the nearest £1000

Good questions to ask:

What is that number rounded to the nearest ……?
Why is it helpful to round numbers sometimes?

If your child:

Gets confused when rounding large numbers
Start by rounding to the nearest 1 or 10 so that you only have to look at the units and tens column of the number you are rounding. Build up confidence before extending to rounding to 1000 and more.
Talk about the value of the numbers you are rounding – this will help and show you where the misunderstanding is happening.

Extension Activity

Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.


Extension activity (PDF)

Extension activity answers (PDF)