Year 3
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We can split a number into hundreds, tens and ones.
We can explain how the digits in a number change when we count in 10s or 100s.
Year 3 Unit 2
What we are learning:
- Children need to understand the value of each digit in a number. To be able to partition three-digit numbers it is really important that your child can already recognize, read, say and write two-digit and three-digit numbers.
- This is now about looking deeper into the patterns and rules in our number system.
- The language of place value is really important – don’t be tempted to ‘make it simpler’ by inventing words of your own.
- Using objects will help your child’s understanding.
- It is important that your child understands place value as this knowledge is important for calculating mentally and in written calculation.
- The ‘tricky’ part in partitioning three-digit numbers is with numbers where zero is a place holder, particularly where it is in the tens place for example 108, 304, 601 and where the hundreds and units digits are the same for example 707, 202. It is common for children to experience difficulties in both saying and writing these numbers. Writing numbers in figures and words can support children with this.
Activities you can do at home:
Counting – have 3 cards/post-it notes with the following written on them
– Add 100, add 10, add 1
Start with a number, say 74 – turn over a card and count on in the way the card suggests (so you turn over ‘add 10’ and your child says 74, 84, 94, 104, 114, 124… then turn over another card and continue the counting… so you turn over ‘add 100’ and your child counts on and says 224, 324, 424, 524… turn over another card….). You can record the numbers your child says and then after a few turns look at the list together and ask your child, Where did the counting change? How did the counting change?
Use the place value chart to partition numbers
When partitioning numbers in different ways we are building children’s flexibility to manipulate numbers and to calculate mentally. Children enjoy partitioning numbers into as many other numbers as they can and like to try to make very long sums – “snake sums”
If your child:
Can answer your challenges and partition numbers confidently
Ask them to question and challenge you. Make some deliberate mistakes to see if they can spot them!
Extension Activity
Please use this activity when you think your child understands the unit of work. It will deepen and extend your child’s understanding of this unit.